Social Media
Updated January 20, 2023
in General
How many of you went on social media seeking people going through a similar situation as yourself?
1 - 9 of 9 Replies
I definitely did it was show I found my people. But for some cancers it is difficult to find your community. So proud to be here!
I've been in this cancer world for 17 years.. there wasn't social media when I was diagnosed.. I've built a community over the years since the introduction of Facebook, etc, but I don't think even MySpace was a thing 17 years ago. We take for granted the easy access we have no, but it wasn't always this way. I'm so thankful though that it is such a community now.
I agree 100%, the first people I spoke to and felt comfortable venting too were fellow fighters/ survivors on social media and 2 years later I still love to see their growth and even their “sad” posts because it is just the reality of it all. It makes me feel less alone and many times validates my feelings.
Care Partner
Social Media
I didn't go on social media to look for others right away but I did start a video diary.
I wanted to share my story from the start, raw, and transparent.
I'm not sure if I did it for others or for myself... or both.
This is so great, sharing your story truly is empowering for you and helps us really feel we are not alone. Thank you!
I selfishly did it for myself but found that it brought other people a sense of relief which is what I got from people that had Cancer before me so it worked out on both ends. We truly aren't alone in this.
I wish, in hindsight, I had turned to social media for support. The sense that we are not alone in this and that our experiences are not completely unique is so reassuring and stress reliving. I would highly recommend social media as a tool for all involved in the care and recovery from illness.
100% agree! It's amazing to me just how similar we think when we're walking in very similar shoes and just how comforting it is to know that everything you feel is normal.
Absolutely, again I wish I had thought of it long ago, but I love the fact we have this forum to share on. Thank you for your support erperez!