General — CancerLyfe


Who/what has been inspiring you lately?

Updated May 10, 2023 in General

I’ve noticed that over the last few weeks my mental health was getting a bit worse than it has been, especially with travel and moving. My animals, partner, and art have been inspiring me to push through days that seem like they have been too much to handle alone. I am given reminders that I am not alone nor a burden because of my diagnosis. This is one inspiration to keep my mood uplifted! How are you staying inspired?

1 - 1 of 1 Other Answers

  • cpramirCare Partner

    FightingRARE_1472, I have found that the memory of my mother is my main inspiration. She was an incredibly strong woman. I watched her survive and then thrive after cancer and a hysterectomy, I watched her work seemingly happily until she was in her late seventies, I watched her just live and thrive, she always just did what had to be done without complaint or hesitation. I strive to be ore like her everyday. She is the strongest person I have ever met and I am blessed to have had such a beautiful and radiant example of a human being to be inspired by.

    May 18, 2023
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