General — CancerLyfe


Anniversary Dates

December 13, 2023 in General

Wondering what everyone’s relationships are with the dates that stick out through cancer - your diagnosis, a major surgery, remission, etc. I have found their significance and emotional impact waiver over the years. Sometimes, they are really tough and I don’t want to acknowledge them at all. Other years, it has felt neutral. What are your experiences?

1 - 2 of 2 Replies

  • lescp3Care Partner

    I have found that for the first year, each month was significant. For the first five years, each year was significant and the celebration of five years was the end of the very conscious focus on these anniversaries. Gratitude and appreciation is what I try to focus on each day... (try!) ...

    January 2, 2024
  • SorossiniPatient

    I'll celebrate the anniversary of my diagnosis next month (2/22/2022) for two reasons:

    1) I had to really advocate for myself and push for the diagnosis, and that's the day they finally saw my tumor. I like to celebrate the courage, grit, and tenacity that cancer patients like me demonstrate every day.

    2) I like cake, and I like any excuse to celebrate.

    January 9, 2024
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