New Year’s Resolutions
December 29, 2023
in General
Hey all, I’m curious how you feel towards New Year’s resolutions post cancer diagnosis. I’ve never really been a fan of them for a multitude of reasons but cancer definitely blurred my feelings towards them. I’m all for a clean slate and the camaraderie that occurs this time of year but after cancer it felt pretty strange trying to plan goals when everything seemed so blatantly uncertain.
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Personally, I always like to set some smaller, achievable goals - for nothing more than to serve as a reminder if I have some free time and am looking for where to put a bit of energy. Last year, my resolution was to bring more yoga into my life. Well, I might have done yoga about 10x in 2023, but that is probably more than double what I would have done otherwise!
What kind of resolutions do you like to set?
I understand you @Camille - it is hard to not seem like you are tempting fate when setting goals with a disease that could take your life/modify it greatly.
To me, the additional burden is the need to be grateful and having to include everyone who has been helpful in your goals. It seems selfish to set goals that are purely beneficial to me, when I have so much to be thankful for...
There is a purpose for why we are still here
I tend to do the “year in review” type stuff more towards the spring equinox. It has always felt more aligned for me vs. trying to implement changes around January when I tend to be in hibernation mode. 😂
That’s such an interesting perspective. The tempting of fate is definitely something I have thought about. Gratitude can be such a finicky thing can’t it? I often hear of that word being tossed around in the cancer communities but I think it’s okay to not feel grateful all the time for the experience.