How is everyone feeling after class 2? Meditation anyone?
May 8, 2024
in General
Remember, meditation is another tool in our toolbox, and one that has significant benefits.
Practice meditation for 3 minutes each day, preferably around the same time each day, and be patient with yourself. It's OK for a thought to come up. We aren't trying to do away with thoughts. We just don't want to get stuck on it. As we practiced in class, like a cloud, visualize your thoughts passing on.
Share with us how it's going, any challenges you might be facing, or any wins you've had this week!
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Thank you for this note - 3 minutes - that sure helps me think of doing it! The "carve out 20 min and it will be worth it" seems like too big a hill to climb. So i like your advice here.
I have found that the key to having a successful meditation practice is to remind yourself you don't have to be an overachiever! Just 3 minutes a day can have a SIGNIFICANT and positive impact on your overall wellbeing. Isn't that great?! Let us know how you feel after 3 minutes!
I'm hoping everyone has had an opportunity to practice meditating. Sometimes, we resisit that which we need the most. I know it can be hard to find the time to do this, but I promise it will help you. Even just 3 minutes a day! Try it!
Looking forward to seeing everyone tonight for class 3!
Meditation has been a way to center myself. I also use meditation to clam me down in stressful situation.
I'm so happy to hear that. It is a powerful tool that really does help in stressful situations. GREAT JOB! Keep it up... do you use a guided meditaiton, an app, or sit and focus on your breathing? I would love to hear what works best for you!
Since the cancer I’ve been on a journey. So I’ve been reading daily devotional, essential oils, exercise and yoga with the deep breathing. I’m searching to find what makes me happy.
This is so beautiful! Keep asking the questions... the answers will come! And, listen to your heart and soul!